Electrical installation in hotels
Hotels need to be electrically safe. We provide a range of services for hotels including emergency lighting maintenance, car park lighting installation, general electrical maintenance and access control. Our lighting solutions are low energy and help you make a saving on your electricity bill. Emergency lighting needs to be checked regularly to make sure the back up batteries will light in the event of a power cut.
Eco Lighting for commercial premises
With the focus of energy saving shifting to commercial properties we are now installing eco lighting systems to reduce energy use is shops and public areas. L.E.D lighting and low energy fluorescent lamps will help you save energy and money in your commercial and domestic property. The L.E.D lamps are becoming more affordable now and there is a real opportunity to make great savings.
Periodic inspections of emergency lighting
Our periodic inspection includes emergency lighting tests, load tests, earth loop impedence and general safety inspections. It is important for the owner of the property to maintain the electrical installation to a very high standard to satisfy current regulations.
Electrical Inspection & Testing
Because you value the safety of your guests or that of the staff working in your Hotel, a periodic electrical inspection is a must on any hotel or guest house. Arranging a safety inspection with us couldn’t be easier, and we can guarantee that the team we send out to you will be qualified and highly skilled in carrying out electrical safety inspections.
Why is it important to have an electrical survey ?
Electrical safety has become very important as Insurance companies now expect your property to be maintained to a high standard. An electrical inspection will tell you the condition of the electrical wiring and enclosures in your property. We carry out a range of electrical tests with specialist testing equipment to find faults and access the condition of the wiring and enclosures. You will recieve a report outlining the condition of the electrical installation and we will advise you of any electrical maintenance that may be required. We carry out electrical inspections on domestic, commercial, industrial and agricultural properties throughout the midlands.